C-Scene Issue #2
Multi-file projects and the GNU Make utility
Author: George Foot
Email: george.foot@merton.ox.ac.uk
Occupation: Student at Merton College, Oxford University, England
IRC nick: gfoot

Disclaimer: The author accepts no liability whatsoever for any
            damage this may cause to anything, real, abstract or 
            virtual, that you may or may not own. Any damage 
            caused is your responsibility, not mine.

 Ownership: The section `Multi-file projects' remains the
            property of the author, and is copyright (c) George
            Foot May-July 1997. The remaining sections are the
            property of CScene and are copyright (c) 1997 by
            CScene, all rights reserved. Distribution of this
            article, in whole or in part, is subject to the same
            conditions as any other CScene article.

0) Introduction

This article will explain firstly why, when and how to split
your C source code between several files sensibly, and it will
then go on to show you how the GNU Make utility can handle all
your compilation and linking automatically. Users of other make
utilities may still find the information useful, but it may
require some adaptation to work on other utilities. If in doubt,
try it out, but check the manual first.

1) Multi-file projects

   1.1 Why use them?
      Firstly, then, why are multi-file projects a good thing?
      They appear to complicate things no end, requiring header
      files, extern declarations, and meaning you need to search
      through more files to find the function you're looking

      In fact, though, there are strong reasons to split up
      projects. When you modify a line of your code, the
      compiler has to recompile everything to create a new
      executable. However, if your project is in several files
      and you modify one of them, the object files for the other
      source files are already on disk, so there's no point in
      recompiling them. All you need to do is recompile the file
      that was changed, and relink the object files. In a large
      project this can mean the difference between a lengthy
      (several minutes to several hours) rebuild and a ten or
      twenty second adjustment.

      With a little organisation, splitting a project between
      files can make it much easier to find the piece of code
      you are looking for. It's simple - you split the code
      between the files based upon what the code does. Then if
      you're looking for a routine you know exactly where to
      find it.

      It is much better to create a library from many object
      files than from a single object file. Whether or not this
      is a real advantage depends what system you're using, but
      when gcc/ld links a library into a program at link time it
      tries not to link in unused code. It can only exclude
      entire object files from the library at a time, though, so
      if you reference any symbols from a particular object file
      of a library the whole object file must be linked in. If
      the library is very segmented, the resulting executables
      can be much smaller than they would be if the library
      consisted of a single object file.

      Also, since your program is very modular with the minimum
      amount of sharing between files there are many other
      benefits -- bugs are easier to track down, modules can
      often be reused in another project, and last but not
      least, other people will find it much easier to understand
      what your code is doing.

   1.2 When to split up your projects

      It is obvisouly not sensible to split up *everything*;
      small programs like `Hello World' can't really be split
      anyway since there's nothing to split. Splitting up small
      throwaway test programs is pretty pointless too. In
      general, though, I split things whenever doing so seems to
      improve the layout, development and readability of the
      program. This is in fact true most of the time.

      The decision about what to split and how is of course
      yours; I can only make general suggestions here, which you
      may or may not choose to follow.

      If you are developing a fairly large project, you should
      think before you start how you are going to implement it,
      and create several (appropriately named) files initially
      to hold your code. Of course, don't hesitate to create new
      files later in development, but if you do then you are
      changing your mind and should perhaps think about whether
      some other structural changes would be appropriate.

      For medium-sized projects, you can use the above technique
      of course, or you might be able to just start typing, and
      split the file up later when it is getting hard to manage.
      In my experience, though, it is a great deal simpler to
      start off with a scheme in mind and stick to it or adapt
      it as the program's needs change during development.

   1.3 How to split up projects

      Again, this is strictly my opinion; you may (probably
      will?) prefer to lay things out differently. This is
      touching on the controversial topic of coding style; what
      I present here is simply my personal preference (along
      with reasons for each of these guidelines):
         i) Don't make header files which span several source
            files (exception: library header files). It's much
            easier to track and usually more efficient if each
            header file only declares symbols from one source
            file. Otherwise, changing the structure of one
            source file (and its header file) may cause more
            files to be rebuilt that is really necessary.

        ii) Where appropriate, do use more than one header file
            for a source file. It is often useful to seperate
            function prototypes, type definitions, etc, from the
            C source file into a header file even when they are
            not publicly available. Making one header file for
            public symbols and one for private symbols means
            that if you change the internals of the file you can
            recompile it without having to recompile other files
            that use the public header file.

       iii) Don't duplicate information in several header files.
            If you need to, #include one in the other, but don't
            write out the same header information twice. The
            reason for this is that if you change the
            information in the future you will only need to
            change it once, rather than hunting for duplicates
            which would also need modifying.

        iv) Make each source file #include all the header files
            which declare information in the source file. Doing
            this means that the compiler is more likely to pick
            out mistakes, where you have declared something
            differently in the header file to what it is in the
            source file.

   1.4 Notes on common errors

      a) Identifier clashes between source files: In C,
         variables and functions are by default public, so that
         any C source file may refer to global variables and
         functions from another C source file. This is true even
         if the file in question does not have a declaration or
         prototype for the variable or function. You must,
         therefore, ensure that the same symbol name is not used
         in two different files. If you don't do this you will
         get linker errors and possibly warnings during

         One way of doing this is to prefix public symbols with
         some string which depends on the source file they appear
         in. For example, all the routines in gfx.c might begin
         with the prefix `gfx_'. If you are careful with the way
         you split up your program, use sensible function names,
         and don't go overboard with global variables, this
         shouldn't be a problem anyway.

         To prevent a symbol from being visible from outside the
         source file it is defined in, prefix its definition
         with the keyword `static'. This is useful for small
         functions which are used internally by a file, and
         won't be needed by any other file.

      b) Multiply defined symbols (again): A header file is
         literally substituted into your C code in place of the
         #include statement. Consequently, if the header file is
         #included in more than one source file all the
         definitions in the header file will occur in both
         source files. This causes them to be defined more than
         once, which gives a linker error (see above).

         Solution: don't define variables in header files. You
         only want to declare them in the header file, and
         define them (once only) in the appropriate C source
         file, which should #include the header file of course
         for type checking. The distinction between a
         declaration and a definition is easy to miss for
         beginners; a declaration tells the compiler that the
         named symbol should exist and should have the specified
         type, but it does not cause the compiler to allocate
         storage space for it, while a definition does allocate
         the space. To make a declaration rather than a
         definition, put the keyword `extern' before the

         So, if we have an integer called `counter' which we
         want to be publicly available, we would define it in a
         source file (one only) as `int counter;' at top level,
         and declare it in a header file as `extern int

         Function prototypes are implicitly extern, so they do
         not create this problem.

      c) Redefinitions, redeclarations, conflicting types:
         Consider what happens if a C source file #includes both
         a.h and b.h, and also a.h #includes b.h (which is
         perfectly sensible; b.h might define some types that
         a.h needs). Now, the C source file #includes b.h twice.
         So every #define in b.h occurs twice, every declaration
         occurs twice (not actually a problem), every typedef
         occurs twice, etc. In theory, since they are exact
         duplicates it shouldn't matter, but in practice it is
         not valid C and you will probably get compiler errors
         or at least warnings.

         The solution to this problem is to ensure that the body
         of each header file is included only once per source
         file. This is generally achieved using preprocessor
         directives. We will #define a macro for each header
         file, as we enter the header file, and only use the
         body of the file if the macro is not already defined.
         In practice it is as simple as putting this at the
         start of each header file:

         #ifndef FILENAME_H
         #define FILENAME_H

         and then putting this at the end of it:


         replacing FILENAME_H with the (capitalised) filename of
         the header file, using an underline instead of a dot.
         Some people like to put a comment after the #endif to
         remind them what it is referring to, e.g.

         #endif /* #ifndef FILENAME_H */
         Personally I don't do that since it's usually pretty
         obvious, but it is a matter of style.

         You only need to do this trick to header files that
         generate the compiler errors, but it doesn't hurt to do
         it to all header files.

   1.5 Rebuilding a multi-file project
      It is important to recognise the distinction here between
      compiling and linking. A compiler takes C source code and
      generates some form of object code from that source code,
      without resolving external references. A linker is then
      invoked, which takes object file(s) and links them
      together into an executable file, along with standard
      libraries and other libraries you may specify. At this
      stage references in one object file to symbols in another
      are resolved, and depending on the linker unresolved
      references may be reported, usually as errors.

      The basic procedure, then, is to compile your C source
      files one by one to object format, and finally link all
      the object files together, along with any libraries you
      need. How exactly you do this will depend on your
      compiler; here I shall describe the commands for gcc,
      which may also work on your compiler even if it is not

      Note that gcc is a multi-purpose tool which calls other
      components (preprocessor, compiler, assembler, linker) as
      required; which of these are called depends upon what the
      input files are and what switches you give it.

      Normally if you pass C source files alone it will
      preprocess, compile and assemble them one by one, then
      link to an executable file (usually called a.out) from the
      resulting objectfiles. This would work in our case, but
      would destroy many of the benefits of splitting the
      project up in the first place.

      If you pass the -c switch, gcc will compile the listed
      files to object format only, naming the object files after
      the C source files, replacing the `.c' or `.cc' suffix
      with `.o'. If you pass a list of object files, gcc will
      simply link them to form an executable, again called a.out
      by default. You can change the name of the output file
      from either of these by passing the -o switch followed by
      a filename.

      So, after altering a source file you need to recompile it
      by calling `gcc -c filename.c' and then relink the project
      by calling `gcc -o exec_filename *.o'. If you alter a
      header file, you need to recompile all those source files
      which #include it; you could type `gcc -c file1.c file2.c
      file3.c' and then relink, for example.

      This is, of course, fairly tedious; luckily there are
      tools available to simplify this process. The second half
      of this article describes such a tool: the GNU Make

2) The GNU Make utility

   2.1 Basic makefile structure

      GNU Make's main action is to read through a text file (a
      makefile) containing (principly) information about which
      files (`targets') are created from which other files
      (`dependencies') and what commands should be executed to
      do this. Armed with this information, make will then look
      at the files on disk and, if the timestamp on a target is
      older than that on at least one of its dependencies, make
      will issue the commands specified in the hope of bringing
      the target file up to date.

      The makefile is normally called (funnily enough)
      `makefile' or `Makefile', but you can specify other
      filenames on make's command line. If you don't, it will
      look for `makefile' or `Makefile' so it's simplest just to
      use those names.

      A makefile consists (mainly) of a sequence of rules of
      this form:

      <target> : <dependency> <dependency> ...

      For example, consider the following makefile:

=== start of makefile ===
myprog : foo.o bar.o
	gcc foo.o bar.o -o myprog

foo.o : foo.c foo.h bar.h
	gcc -c foo.c -o foo.o

bar.o : bar.c bar.h
	gcc -c bar.c -o bar.o
=== end of makefile ===

      This is a very basic makefile - make starts at the top,
      and uses the first target, `myprog', as its primary goal
      (the thing it is ultimately trying to keep up-to-date).
      The rule tells it that whenever the file `myprog' is older
      than either `foo.o' or `bar.o', the command on the next
      line should be executed.

      However, before checking the timestamps of foo.o and bar.o
      it first looks through the makefile for rules with foo.o
      or bar.o as targets. It finds the rule for foo.o, seeing
      that it depends on foo.c, foo.h and bar.h. It cannot find
      additional rules saying how to create any of these files,
      so it then checks the timestamps on disk. If any of these
      files are newer than foo.o, the command `gcc -o foo.o
      foo.c' will be executed, bringing foo.o up to date.

      The same check is then made for bar.o, depending upon
      bar.c and bar.h.

      Now make returns to the rule for `myprog'. If either of
      the other two rules were executed, myprog will need
      rebuilding (one of the .o files will be newer than
      `myprog') and so the linking command will be executed.

      Hopefully at this stage you can see the benefit of using
      the make utility to build your programs - all the tedious
      checking mentioned at the end of the previous chapter is
      done for you by make, checking the timestamps. A simple
      change to one of your source files will cause that file to
      be recompiled (since the .o file depends on the .c file)
      and then the executable will be relinked (since the .o
      file has now been modified). The real gain, though, shows
      if you modify a header file - you no longer need to
      remember which of your source files depended on it, since
      the information is all there in the makefile. The make
      utility will happily recompile any files which are listed
      as depending on any modified header files, and relink if

      Of course, this depends on you making sure the rules in
      the makefile are correct, listing only those header files
      which are #included in the source file...

   2.2 Writing make rules

      The obvious (and simplest) way to write your rules is by
      looking at each source file in turn, adding its object
      file as a target, and the C source file as a dependency
      along with all the headers it #includes. However, you
      should also list as dependencies any other headers which
      are #included by those headers, and any headers they
      #include, and so on... it gets difficult to track. So is
      there an easier way?

      Of course there is - ask the compiler! It ought to know
      what headers it would include when compiling each source
      file. With gcc you can specify the -M switch, and then gcc
      will send to stdout a rule for each C file you pass, with
      the object file as a target and the C file and all headers
      #included therein as dependencies. Note that this rule
      will include both headers named between angle brackets
      (`<', `>') and headers named in inverted commas (`"'); it
      is often a pretty safe bet that the system header files
      (like stdio.h, stdlib.h, etc) aren't going to change
      though. If you pass -MM instead of -M to gcc, it will omit
      any header files whose names were enclosed with angle

      The rule output by gcc won't have a command part; you can
      either write in your own command, or just leave it and let
      make use its implicit rule (see section 2.4).

   2.3 Makefile variables

      I wrote earlier that makefiles contain mainly rules.
      Another thing they can contain are variable definitions.

      A variable in a makefile is somewhat like an environment
      variable; indeed, environment variables are translated
      into make variables during the make process. They are case
      sensitive, and normally specified in upper case. They can
      be referenced almost anywhere, and so they can be used for
      many purposes, for example:

         i) Holding lists of files. In the makefile above, the
            rule to make the executable contains the object
            filenames as dependencies, and the same filenames
            are passed to gcc in the command for that rule. If a
            variable were used in both cases, adding new object
            files would be simpler and less prone to error.

        ii) Holding executable filenames. If your project is
            taken to a non-gcc system, or if you just want to
            use a different compiler, you would have to change
            all calls to the compiler to use the new name. Using
            a variable instead means that you need only change
            the name in one place, and all the commands would be

       iii) Holding compiler flags. Presumably you want all your
            compilation commands to pass the same set of options
            (e.g. -Wall -O -g); if you put the option list in a
            variable then you can put the variable in all your
            compiler calls and just change the options in one
            place whenever you need to.

      To set a variable, you simply write its name at the start
      of a line, followed by an = sign, and then its new value.
      To reference a variable later on you write a dollar sign,
      then the variable name in brackets. For example, here is
      the previous makefile rewritten using variables:
=== start of makefile ===
OBJS = foo.o bar.o
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -O -g

myprog : $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $(OBJS) -o myprog

foo.o : foo.c foo.h bar.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c foo.c -o foo.o

bar.o : bar.c bar.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c bar.c -o bar.o
=== end of makefile ===

      There are also various automatic variables, which are
      defined for each rule. Three useful ones are $@, $< and $^
      (no brackets are needed for these). $@ expands to the
      filename of the target of the rule, $< expands to the
      first dependency in the dependency list, and $^ expands to
      the entire dependency list (with duplicate filenames
      removed). Using these, then, we could write the above
      makefile as:

=== start of makefile ===
OBJS = foo.o bar.o
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -O -g

myprog : $(OBJS)
	$(CC) $^ -o $@

foo.o : foo.c foo.h bar.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

bar.o : bar.c bar.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
=== end of makefile ===

      There are many other things you can do with variables,
      especially when you mix them with functions. For further
      information, see the GNU Make manual.

   2.4 Implicit rules

      Note that in that last makefile example the commands to
      create the .o files are identical. This is hardly
      surprising since they both achieve similar goals -
      creating a .o file from a .c file and some others is a
      standard procedure. In fact, make already knows how to do
      it - it has built in rules called implicit rules which
      tell it what to do if you don't put any commands in a

      If we remove the commands from the rules for creating
      foo.o and bar.o, make will fall back on its implicit rule
      database and should find a suitable command. Its command
      uses several variables, so you can easily customise it to
      your tastes; it uses the variable CC to run a compiler
      (just like we did earlier), passing it the CFLAGS variable
      for C programs (CXXFLAGS for C++ programs), CPPFLAGS (C
      preprocessor flags), TARGET_ARCH (don't worry about this),
      then it puts the flag `-c' followed by the variable $<
      (first dependency), then the flag `-o' followed by the
      variable $@ (the target file). The effective command for C
      compilation is:
      $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -c $< -o $@

      You can define these variables however you like, of
      course. This should explain why the output from gcc with
      the -M or -MM switch is suitable for immediate inclusion
      in a makefile.

   2.5 Phony targets

      Suppose you had a project in which two executable files
      needed to be created. You would want the primary goal to
      create both files, but independently of each other - if
      one needs rebuilding, the other may not. To achieve this
      you can use what is called a phony target. A phony target
      is just like a normal target, but it is not an actual file
      on disk. Because of this, make assumes that it needs
      creating, and always executes any commands in its rule,
      after bringing its dependencies up to date.

      So, if we write at the top of our makefile:

      all : exec1 exec2

      where exec1 and exec2 are the filenames of our two target
      executables, make will set this as its primary goal and
      try to bring `all' up to date on every invocation. Since
      there are no commands here which will affect a file called
      `all' on disk, this rule won't actually change the status
      of `all' at all. However, since the file does not exist
      make will check that exec1 and exec2 don't need
      rebuilding, and rebuild them if they are out of date,
      which is exactly what we wanted to do.

      Phony targets can also be used to describe a set of non-
      default actions. For example, you might want to remove all
      the files generated by make. To do this, you could make a
      rule in the makefile like this:

      veryclean :
      	rm *.o
      	rm myprog

      Provided no rules are listed as depending upon the target
      `veryclean', this will never be executed. However, if the
      user types `make veryclean' explicitly, make will use this
      as its primary goal, and run the rm commands.

      What if there is a file on disk called veryclean though?
      In this case, since this rule has no dependencies, the
      target `veryclean' must be up to date, and even if the
      user explicitly asks make to recreate it nothing will
      happen. The solution here is to declare all your phony
      targets as .PHONY, telling make not to bother looking for
      them on disk, not to bother checking implicit rules, and
      to always assume that the specified target is not up to
      date. Adding this line to the makefile containing the
      above rule:

      .PHONY : veryclean

      would do the trick. Note that this is a special make rule,
      that make knows .PHONY is a special target, and of course
      you can put more dependencies in if you like and make will
      know that they are all phony targets.

   2.6 Functions

      Functions in makefiles are very similar to variables - to
      use them, you write a dollar sign, an open bracket, and
      then the name followed by a space and a comma-separated
      list of arguments, and lastly a closing bracket. For
      example, there is a function called `wildcard' in GNU Make
      which takes one argument and expands into a space-
      separated list of all files matching the specification
      given. To use it you could write something like

      SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)

      which would create a list of all files ending in `.c' and
      put it in the SOURCES variable. Of course, you don't have
      to store the results in variables.

      Another useful function is the patsubst function. It takes
      three parameters - the first is a pattern to match, the
      second shows what to replace it with, and the third is a
      space-separated list of words to process. For example,
      after the variable definition above,

      OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SOURCES))

      would take all the words (filenames) in the SOURCES list
      and for each, if it ends in `.c', it will replace the `.c'
      with a `.o'. Note that the % symbol matches one or more
      characters, and the string it matches each time is called
      the stem. In the second parameter, the % is read as
      whatever stem it matched in the first parameter.

   2.7 A pretty effective makefile

      With the information so far we can write quite an
      effective makefile, which will be able to do most of our
      dependency checking for us, and will fit most projects
      without much modification.

      Firstly we need a basic makefile which will build the
      program. We can make it search the current directory for
      source files, and assume that they are all part of the
      project, by using a variable SOURCES as above. It is
      probably wise to also include *.cc, in case the
      compilation is for C++.

      SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c *.cc)

      Using patsubst we can then create a list of object files
      which will be created; if our sources list contains .cc
      files as well as .c files we'll need to nest calls to
      patsubst like so:

      OBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(SOURCES)))

      The innermost patsubst call will replace the .cc files'
      suffixes only, forming a list which the outermost patsubst
      processes, replacing the .c files' suffixes.

      Now we can form a rule to build the executable:

      myprog : $(OBJS)
      	gcc -o myprog $(OBJS)

      Further rules may not be necessary; gcc knows already how
      to create the object files. Next, we can make a rule to
      create the dependency information:

      depends : $(SOURCES)
      	gcc -M $(SOURCES) > depends

      This creates a file called `depends' whenever it does not
      exist or a source file is newer than the existing
      depends' file, which contains the rules gcc created for
      the source files. Now we need to get make to consider
      these rules as part of the makefile. The technique here is
      rather like the #include system in C - we simply ask make
      to include this file in the makefile, like so:

      include depends

      GNU Make will see this, and check that `depends' is up to
      date; if it is not, it will recreate it, following the
      rule we gave. This done, it will include the (new) set of
      rules and proceed to process the primary goal, `myprog'.
      On seeing the rule for myprog, it will check all the
      object files are up to date - using the rules from the
      `depends' file, which we know is up to date itself.

      This system is fairly inefficient, however, since whenever
      a source file is changed all the source files must be
      preprocessed again to create the `depends' file, and it
      isn't 100% safe either since changing a header file will
      not cause the dependency information to be updated.
      However, it is quite useful as it stands.

   2.8 A more effective makefile

      This is a makefile I use for most things I do. It should
      build most projects without modification. I have used it
      mainly with djgpp, a DOS port of gcc, so the executable
      name, `alleg' library, and the RM-F variable reflect this.

=== start of makefile ===

#                                    #
#          Generic makefile          #
#                                    #
#           by George Foot           #
# email: george.foot@merton.ox.ac.uk #
#                                    #
#   Copyright (c) 1997 George Foot   #
#        All rights reserved.        #
#                                    #
#     No warranty, no liability;     #
#   you use this at your own risk.   #
#                                    #
#     You are free to modify and     #
#   distribute this without giving   #
#   credit to the original author.   #
#                                    #

### Customising
# Adjust the following if necessary; EXECUTABLE is the target
# executable's filename, and LIBS is a list of libraries to link in
# (e.g. alleg, stdcx, iostr, etc). You can override these on make's
# command line of course, if you prefer to do it that way.

EXECUTABLE := mushroom.exe
LIBS := alleg

# Now alter any implicit rules' variables if you like, e.g.:

CFLAGS := -g -Wall -O3 -m486

# The next bit checks to see whether rm is in your djgpp bin
# directory; if not it uses del instead, but this can cause (harmless)
# `File not found' error messages. If you are not using DOS at all,
# set the variable to something which will unquestioningly remove
# files.

ifneq ($(wildcard $(DJDIR)/bin/rm.exe),)
RM-F := rm -f
RM-F := del

# You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.

SOURCE := $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard *.cc)
OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.cc,%.o,$(SOURCE)))
DEPS := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJS))
MISSING_DEPS := $(filter-out $(wildcard $(DEPS)),$(DEPS))
MISSING_DEPS_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(patsubst %.d,%.c,$(MISSING_DEPS)) \
                                   $(patsubst %.d,%.cc,$(MISSING_DEPS)))

.PHONY : everything deps objs clean veryclean rebuild

everything : $(EXECUTABLE)

deps : $(DEPS)

objs : $(OBJS)

clean :
	@$(RM-F) *.o
	@$(RM-F) *.d

veryclean: clean

rebuild: veryclean everything

ifneq ($(MISSING_DEPS),)
	@$(RM-F) $(patsubst %.d,%.o,$@)

-include $(DEPS)

	gcc -o $(EXECUTABLE) $(OBJS) $(addprefix -l,$(LIBS))

=== end of makefile ===

      A few things are worth explaining about this. Firstly, I
      have defined most of my variables using := instead of =.
      The effect of this is to immediately expand all function
      and variable references in the definition. With =, the
      function and variable references are left alone, meaning
      that changing the value of a variable can change other
      variables' values. For example:

      A = foo
      B = $(A)
      # Now B is $(A) which is `foo'.
      A = bar
      # Now B is still $(A), but it is now `bar'.
      B := $(A)
      # B is now `bar'.
      A = foo
      # B is still `bar'.

      After a # symbol make ignores any text until the end of
      the line.

      The ifneq...else...endif system is a way of conditionally
      disabling/enabling parts of a makefile. ifeq takes two
      parameters. If they are equal, it includes the portion of
      the makefile up to the else (or endif, if there is no
      else); if not, it includes the portion between else and
      endif if the else is present. ifneq is exactly the

      The filter-out function takes two space-separated lists,
      and expands to the second list with all members of the
      first list removed. I have used it here to take the DEPS
      list and remove all members which exist, leaving behind
      any which are missing.

      The CPPFLAGS as I mentioned earlier contains flags to pass
      to the preprocessor in implicit rules. The -MD switch is
      like -M, but the information is sent to a file whose name
      is formed by removing the .c or .cc from the source file
      and replacing it with a .d (which explains why I form the
      DEPS variable that way). The files mentioned in DEPS are
      included in the makefile later on using `-include', which
      suppresses any errors if the files are not found on disk.

      If any dependency files are missing, the makefile will
      remove the corresponding .o file from disk as well,
      causing make to rebuild it. Since CPPFLAGS specifies -MD,
      the .d file will be recreated too.

      Lastly, the addprefix function expands to the list given
      in its second parameter, with its first parameter
      prepended to each word of the list.

      The targets of this makefile (which can be passed on the
      command line to select them) are:

         everything (default): Update the main executable, also
            creating or updating a `.d' file and a `.o' file for
            each source file.

         deps: Just create/update a `.d' file for each source

         objs: Create/update the `.d' files and the object files
            for each source file.

         clean: Delete all the intermediate/dependency files
            (*.d and *.o).

         veryclean: Do `clean' and also delete the executable.

         rebuild: Do `veryclean' and `everything'; i.e. rebuild
            from scratch

      Of these, clean, veryclean and rebuild are the only really
      useful ones apart from the default of everything.

      I am not aware of any way in which this makefile can fail,
      given a directory of source files, unless the dependency
      files have been mangled. If this does occur, simply typing
      `make clean' should fix the problem by removing all the
      dependency and object files. It's best not to mess around
      with them, of course. If you see a way this makefile could
      fail to do its job, please do let me know so that I can
      fix it.

3 In conclusion

   I hope this article has explained clearly enough how multi-
   file projects work, and has shown how to use them in a way
   which is logical and safe. You should be able to use the GNU
   Make utility well enough now to manage small projects, and if
   you understood what was written in the later sections you
   should not have any trouble with it.

   GNU Make is a powerful tool, and although it was designed
   primarily for building programs in this way it has many other
   uses. For more information on the utility, its syntax,
   functions, and other features, you should (as with any GNU
   tool) consult the info pages about it.

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